
CUB SEAT (no headrest)


Historic fixed back competition and road seat
Period styling with modern construction
Tubular steel frame
Compact dimensions for narrow cockpit applications
Optional head restraint facility
Heavy duty standard vinyl upholstery in black or grey
Extensive fabric, vinyl and leather Signature options

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Available with or without a headrest, the Cobra Cub has been designed to go where virtually no other seats will go!

It’s the smallest, slimmest seat that Cobra has ever made. It is designed for those cars where you simply wedge yourself into the cockpit! Not in itself a sports seat, it is designed to go into cars where the transmission tunnel on one side and the driver’s door on the other will provide the side support you need. Taking up minimal space between you and the car, it really puts you in touch with the road and gives you a stripped down driving experience.

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